Busch &
Muller IXXI / Ixon Core Twin Pack
Yesterday I got my hands on the new USB rechargeable lights from
Busch & Muller. I've had access to the Ixon Core for a while but
wanted to do a user check on them both. I have been using the
original Ixon for 6 or 7 years now and am hugely happy with it. On a
personal level I couldn't understand why you'd want a lesser light. I
appreciate however, some customers buy with their pocket. In my
previous life as a retailer the head to head for rear lights went
between two well known brands. The considerably brighter light lost
out as the lesser light was ten bob cheaper. The brand name may have
come into it but at source the cheaper light was bigger, heavier and
nowhere near as bright.
So, twin packs. Usually an excellent light matched up with an okay
light at what appears a budget price. The B&M can't be called
cheap at £67.50 RRP but, “What price your safety?” as Sorrel's
Mum always says. If you live in a town this twin pack should be well
up the list for consideration IMHO. My old shop's best selling twin
pack had a poor front light and a fabulous rear light yes it was
cheaper but you'd need a second front light in reality.
Burn times. In a far from scientific test I discharged both lights
totally and then charged the IXXI from the mains for 2 ½ hours and
the IXON Core for 3 ½ as stated in the instructions. The IXXI
stayed lit for around eighteen hours. The Ixon Core burn time is
quoted as more than 3 hours actually ran for the best part of four.
This does include the time in low power mode which is considerably
longer than the 10-15 minutes my old Ixon gives me. So no mean
shakes for a 50 Lux light with a good beam spread on the road.
Attachment to the bike for both lights is by the now ubiquitous
rubber strap. The Ixon can be clicked out of its' mount as well so
if you have to thread your strap through cables you can leave the
mount on the bike.
Charging. Both lights charge with the industry standard micro USB
plug so unless you insist on using CDHoJ products your phone/tablet
cable will fit. I'm not a great fan of charging off your computers
USB ports but over the course of a working day you'll get a fair top
up. Come the revolution charging towers will be a part of secure bike
parking areas.
So as an in town commuter twin pack I think this is a good package no
matter what rear light you use, in town you'd double up with a
flashing light as an attention getter. So there is my early punt into the 2014 lighting season
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